Saturday, November 16, 2013

Review for The Red Sun Rises by Victoria Kinnaird


It was easy to get lost into the world that Victoria Kinnaird created. The characters are easy to get attached to and the story line is easy to follow.

Claimed to be the "freak among freaks" the main character faces what a lot of teenagers deal with on a day to day basis. Bullying.

Bullying leads to insecurity as well as other issues with a person's self esteem. Not only that but there is also the realistic side of how he doesn't get along with his father because he isn't like the other children he goes to school with.

This story shows the struggles that the main character goes through and how he comes out on the other side of them. Teenagers can easily relate to the problems that he has because they are problems that happen in everyday life. There isn't the far out in left field type of problems that no one can relate to.

I think the author did a wonderful job at writing this novel and making sure that readers could connect to her characters.

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